- On March 9, 2011 /
- In System
Cool down the Global Warming
Teknotherm has for years been focusing on environmentally friendly installations meeting international and national regulations and standards as well as the classification societies requirements for environmental notations.
Considering the global warming issue and its escalating dimension, Teknotherm wants to bring the future solutions far beyond today rules in order to design the most environment friendly refrigeration as really matters for our environment.
The focus to obtain an environmental friendly refrigeration system can be divided into two main categories: – Choice of correct working medium known as the refrigerant and secondly; – the design of the plant. Both these issues are important and the last is substantial to obtain a good, reliable and environmental friendly installation.
The refrigerants can be divided into two major groups, the artificial mediums commonly known as the HFC’s having zero ozone depletion potential and varying greenhouse warming potential, while the other group known as the natural refrigerants have zero ozone depletion potential and very low warming potential.
Through correct design of the plant the amount of refrigerant charge shall be reduced to a minimum having trouble free operation in mind. The correct medium for a specific plant shall focus on optimizing the COP value, which indicates the goodness of the plant meaning obtaining as many as possible kW’ of cooling effect out of a minimum of input driving force. The input driving force is normally coming from a combustion driven generator set and reduced power input to the refrigeration machinery will consequently immensely reduce emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere from such machinery, consider the full life circle of the plant.
Arranging the refrigeration installation as an indirect system will obtain reduced refrigerant charges and minimizing the number of joints, seals and valves compared with a direct expansion system and thus reduce the risks for leakage of refrigerant.
Depending on operation conditions and sailing conditions of a vessel, natural cooling or so-called free cooling by using ambient low temperature conditions will contribute to reduce the running time for a plant giving substantial reduced overall CO2 emissions of an installation.
Teknotherm is constantly working with these issues to contribute to a better environment and always willing to be your adviser by correct design of your plant.
Saving the environment by correct design and well functioned plant with reliable refrigeration system from Teknotherm will in the same time save YOUR MONEY!