
RSW chiller – VKN

Type VKN
Flooded Shell & Tube design for seawater, brine and other fluids. Designed for ammonia and halocarbons as refrigerant.

Made of seamless steeltube in quality P.2356H according to class requirements.

Tube End Plates
These are plates in stainless steel AISI 316L and are electrically welded to the chiller shell.

The tubes are made of titaniuim Grade 2. ASTM 355. Titanium is extremely qualified in resisting corrosion from sea water and brackish water.

Product pdf

For further information about RSW Chillers, please contact us here.

Product Description

Supporting Plates
For support of the tubes and to avoid vibration and noise.

Water endcovers
The water endcovers are in standard design of cast iron with rilsan surface, and are made for flange connections. The larger models will have endcovers in hot dipped galvanized steel or plastic.
For corrosion protection the water endcovers are equipped with corrosion anodes.

Suction vessel
Suction vessel of ample size constructed with inside baffles to give extremely good separation of refrigerant drops and oil from the suction gas.

Design and testing
This is performed according to Det Norske Veritas’ and most major classification societies’ requirements. After testing, the chiller is sealed and charged with nitrogen gas with a small overpressure. The chiller external surface is painted with a protecting paint.